Your input is important to us. Please provide your valuable feedback. Here are some testimonials from our clients:
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 | The real test of such training however is a live situation and this unfortunately has been the case at two of our units. In both instances, the casinos were subject to armed robberies. I am pleased to report staff that had had the benefit of Ban The Crim training conducted themselves admirably and were the least traumatised of those involved. Their subsequent help in describing the sequence of events and the criminals helped greatly in the subsequent investigations. Posted By: David Wright Group Security Manager, Sun International |
 | I would like to express my sincere appreciation for the OHS Act Compliance audit that was conducted in my store and the invaluable, comprehensive report that you submitted. All areas of concern were rectified and confirmed by an Inspector of the Department of Labour, on a recent visit. He commended you on an excellent report. It is good to know that the store is fully compliant. Thank you for your valuable input and commitment. Posted By: Warren Davies Owner, Nandos – Elspark |
 | On attending the Armed Robbery Seminar, I realized just how unprepared I would have been, had a robbery happened. After completing the course I now feel mentally prepared to handle a hold-up. The instructors are brilliant speakers, the course content was top quality and I recommend and encourage everyone who could ever be in a hold-up situation to attend. Well worth the money - 10 out of 10. Posted By: Cynthia Naisbitt OPS Manager, Rennies Forex |
 | The course presented on the Occupational Health and Safety Act for our Health and Safety Representatives was of great benefit to our organisation. The delegates have expressed their appreciation and complimented you on the way the Legal aspects were presented. We had a ‘visit’ form the Department of Labour, three weeks after the course had been completed and we passed with flying colours. Thank you Errol. Posted By: Alette Swanepoel Group Human Resource Manager, Edufin |
 | Recently one of our branches was robbed. Four of the five staff working in the branch had been trained in armed robbery survival skills. The untrained staff member is unable to return to work due to the trauma experienced. The other four members of staff handled the situation calmly and experienced minimal trauma and were able to return to work immediately. Posted By: Tony Brown General Manager, American Express Fore |
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