Monday, 19 May 2014 00:00

Advanced Motoring

Target group: Qualified motorists. School Driver Education Programmes.

Course outcome: Delegates will be able to demonstrate the skills and techniques of an Advanced Motorist correctly and with confidence. This will enhance their safety and reduce the operating costs of their vehicle.

Target group: Persons who are actively involved with Loss Control and Loss Prevention.

Course outcome: Delegates will be able to implement skills and techniques to execute an effective Loss Prevention programme within the bounds of applicable legislation.

Published in Security Management
Monday, 19 May 2014 00:00

Campus-School Security

Target group: Security practitioners. Persons involved with the administration and execution of security/loss prevention services within a Campus or School environment. Owners of security companies, Directors and Management.

Course outcome: Delegates will be able to operate a security function more effectively on a Campus or at a School, whilst utilizing the skills, principles and techniques provided and will be able to identify high risk and vulnerable areas and will be able to implement cost-effective counter measures to decrease possible risks.

Published in Security Management
Monday, 19 May 2014 00:00

Armed Robbery Survival Skills

Target group: Any person who is exposed the risk of an armed robbery. Management, Supervisors, Cashiers and Cash-office staff, are particularly vulnerable.

Course outcomes: Delegates will be aware of the organization’s armed hold-up procedure. They will know how to lessen the physical and psychological risk to themselves and staff in the event of an armed robbery. They will be able to positively assist the police with good information and correct follow-up action after the incident.

Published in Security Management
Monday, 19 May 2014 00:00

Occupation Health and Safety

Target Group: Persons who have been appointed under Section 16.2 of the OHS Act, to control, manage and execute the requirements of the Act at the workplace. (Managers)

Course outcome: Delegates will understand their legal obligations, which will enable them to effectively manage a Health and Safety programme according to the Act.

Monday, 19 May 2014 00:00

Home Personal Safety Program


Target group: Any person who is exposed to this type of risk and wishes to enhance their safety and security.

Course outcomes: Learners will be able to explain what to do in certain types of security related incidents and understand the need for maintaining good physical security and personal awareness.

Monday, 19 May 2014 00:00


In this training session, we attempt to cover many of the aspects of this devastating disease. We hope to give the learner, a broad understanding of the issues surrounding HIV and AIDS, the developments to stop the spread and treatment of the disease, and most of all the knowledge and power to protect yourself, your colleagues and your loved ones so that in future years HIV and AIDS becomes a distant memory, only to be read about in history books.

Monday, 19 May 2014 00:00

Health and Safety Representatives

Target group: Persons who have been appointed as Health and Safety Representatives.

Course outcome: Delegates will understand the appointment procedure, functions and responsibility of a Health and Safety Representative in terms of the OHS Act, and will be able to discharge their obligations effectively. They will be able to identify health and safety hazards, perform meaningful inspections and investigate incidents efficiently.

Monday, 19 May 2014 00:00

Health and Safety Programme Overview

Target group: All Employees that will be expected to comply with the requirements of the Occupational Health and Safety Act.

Course outcome: Delegates will understand their functions and responsibilities in terms of the OHS Act, and will be able to discharge their obligations effectively. They will be able to identify health and safety hazards and know and understand the legal requirements. They will be able to promote health and safety standards in the workplace.

Monday, 19 May 2014 00:00

Emergency Planning and Evacuation

Target group: Persons who have been appointed as Emergency Planning and Evacuation Representatives.

Course outcome: Delegates will understand the functions and responsibility of an Emergency Representative, and will be able to discharge their obligations and tasks effectively.


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