Super User

Super User

BTC Training Site developer and administrator.

Friday, 22 December 2017 14:28

Cultivating Excellence

Target group: All young managers and personnel

Course outcome: This programme provides young people with some basic building blocks as a framework from which to explore and be their own person.

Thursday, 07 January 2016 10:34

ICE Pack

For a quick and professional response to any emergency. See & Be  Seen!!

Wednesday, 28 May 2014 00:00


BTC Training has an extensive range of cost-effective, high-quality crime prevention training programmes, products and services focusing on the safety of all employees in the workplace, the protection of company assets and the reduction of crime against companies and their staff.

Crime Prevention that Works

BTC Africa can conduct on site surveys and audits or alternatively, survey guides can be provided for completion by client.

Consultancy Services

Theft and Fraud Identification Kits,  Risk Management Survey Forms and Hostage checklists are available from BTC Training.

BTC Products

Our aim is to equip every person in the workplace with skills that will empower people to enhance safety and productivity in the workplace, assist law enforcement agencies in the successful apprehension and prosecution of offenders and create pro-active awareness to assist in reducing crime within business and the community.

Skills Development that Empowers
Monday, 19 May 2014 00:00

Pratical Skills in Self Defence

Target group: Any person who is exposed to the risk of an attack, and any person who wishes to increase their skills in self-defense.

Course outcomes: Learners will be able to exercise and demonstrate skills in self-defence and techniques to reduce the risk of injury, if attacked.

Monday, 19 May 2014 00:00

Advanced Motoring

Target group: Qualified motorists. School Driver Education Programmes.

Course outcome: Delegates will be able to demonstrate the skills and techniques of an Advanced Motorist correctly and with confidence. This will enhance their safety and reduce the operating costs of their vehicle.

Duration: 30 Minutes.

Price on request (Min 5 delegates)

Course contents:

v  Survival

v  Prevention

v  Precautions

Monday, 19 May 2014 00:00

Hijack Survival Skills Presentation

Skills Programme Two 

Duration: 3 Hour

Price on request  (Min 5 delegates)

Course contents:

v  Survival

v  Prevention

v  Precautions

v  Practical Exercises

The National Certificate in General Security Practices ...

Monday, 19 May 2014 00:00

Skills Programme Grade E-D-C-B-A

Skills Programme 1: SASSETA E 
Patrol Security Officer/Grade E
244176 Use security equipment Level 2 2 Credits
244177 Conduct a security patrol in area of responsibility Level 3 7 Credits
12484 Perform basic fire fighting Level 2 4 Credits
116534 Carry out basic first aid treatment in the workplace Level 3 2 Credits
244179 Handle complaints and problems Level 3 6 Credits
244181 Perform handover and take over responsibilities Level 3 2 Credits
244184 Apply legal aspects in a security environment Level 3 8 Credits
244182 Give evidence in court Level 3 4 Credits
246694 Explain the requirements for becoming a security service provider Level 3 4 Credits

Skills Programme 2: SASSETA D Access Control Officer/Grade D
244189 Conduct access and egress control Level 4 7 Credits
242825 Conduct evacuations and emergency drills Level 4 4 Credits
11505 Identify, handle and defuse security related conflict Level 4 12 Credits
117705 Demonstrate knowledge of the Firearms Control Act 60/2000 Level 3 3 Credits
113924 Apply basic business ethics in a work environment Level 2 2 Credits
119465 Write/present/sign texts for a range of communicative contexts Level 3 5 Credits
114979 Operate a computer workstation in a business environment Level 3 2 Credits

Skills Programme 3: SASSETA C Asset and Reaction Officer/Grade C
113909 Coach a team member in order to enhance individual performance in work environment Level 3 5 Credits
13912 Apply knowledge of self and team in order to develop a plan to enhance performance Level 3 5 Credits
244578 Describe how to manage reactions arising from a traumatic event Level 3 2 Credits
113852 Apply occupational health, safety and environmental principles Level 3 10 Credits
13936 Outline the legal environment of a selected industry Level 3 2 Credits
119472 Accommodate audience and context needs in oral/signed communication Level 3 5 Credits
11508 Write security reports and take statements Level 4 10 Credits

Skills Programme 4: SASSETA B Junior Security Supervisor/Grade B
10981 TEAM PERFORMANCE Supervise Work Unit to Achieve Work Unit Objectives (Individuals and Teams) Level 4 12 Credits
117877 TRAINING IN THE WORKPLACE Perform one-to-one training on the job Level 3 4 Credits
119457 SECURITY-RELATED READING SKILLS Interpret and Use Information from Texts Level 3 5 Credits
242812 SUPERVISORY - GENERAL Induct a Member into a Team Level 3 4 Credits
242830 SECURITY-RELATED CONFLICT AND THREAT MANAGEMENT Conduct a Security Threat Assessment in a Defined Operational Area Level 4 9 Credits
242833 GENERAL Give Instructions Level 3 3 Credits

Skills Programme 5: SASSETA A Security First Line Supervisor/Grade A
120480 Demonstrate understanding of crime prevention Level 5 6 Credits
242818 Describe the relationship of junior management to other roles Level 4 5 Credits
120483 Conduct preliminary investigations Level 5 6 Credits
11286 Institute disciplinary action Level 5 8 Credits
114226 Interpret and manage conflicts within the workplace Level 5 8 Credits
7861 Gather and present evidence in a hearing Level 5 8 Credits
114589 Manage time productively Level 4 4 Credits


Investment to company:

Skills Programme One        Price on request

Skills Programme Two        Price on request

Skills Programme Three     Price on request

Skills Programme Four       Price on request

Skills Programme Fiver       Price on request

Prices exclude VAT

Support learning material

v  Included: All training material, assessments, moderation and submissions of Portfolio Of Evidence.

v  The duration is dependant on the client.

v  The SASSETA Learnership runs over one year, and learners meet with the facilitator one day per month.

v  Training is done at the client’s premises or at premises arranged by the client.

v  Travel and accommodation costs will be for the clients account.

Monday, 19 May 2014 00:00

Shopping Centre Security

Target group: Security practitioners, persons involved with the administration and execution of security/loss prevention services within a Shopping Centre, owners of security companies, directors and management.

Course outcome: Delegates will be able to operate a security function more effectively in a Shopping Centre, whilst utilizing the skills, principles and techniques provided and identify high risk and vulnerable areas and will be able to implement cost-effective counter measures to decrease possible risks.


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